February 2010
WEEKLY HEALING AND COMMUNION SERVICE: Wednesdays at 9:30am. This will be a time for those in need of healing (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.) to pray, hear our weekly readings, receive anointing and share in Communion and fellowship. All are welcome to join us. The service will last half-an-hour.
UPCOMING EVENTS AT HOLY TRINITY: Every Thursday -- 5:00-5:30pm - Youth Choir - age 18 and under - two part singing; 5:30-6:00pm –
Junior Choir - age 13 and under - unison singing; Adult Choir 6:30-8:00pm
50th Anniversary Challenge: Relief Bead Campaign starts TODAY! As a part of the 50th Anniversary Challenge at Holy Trinity,
our goal is to raise $12,000 this year in addition to the funding we raise each year to support our outreach and mission projects. The
Relief Bead Campaign supports fair trade bracelets that are made by women in Darfur, Sudan. The bracelets are all different and handcrafted
from sand by women in Darfur. The proceeds will support our 50th anniversary challenge and provide relief by helping build a Children's
Malnutrition Center in Darfur. The bracelets are $10 each and are available after the service on Sundays (until March 14th, 2010) or by
calling Kyla Wiesner during the week.
RECURRING EVENTS: Food Banks (last Sunday of the Month); Open Door Café (First Sunday of the Month); Quilting (Third Thursday of
the Month);Women’s Groups (Wednesday Group – First Wednesday of the Month – ELW Second Thursday of the Month); Church Council
Highlights (First Sunday after each Council Meeting).
ADULT EDUCATION BIBLE STUDY: Adult Education Bible Study will begin on January 6, 2010, every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Our
second program will be an exploration of the Parables of Jesus. All are welcome to join us! No experience necessary. If you are interested in
joining us, please let Pastor Rob know so that he can prepare enough handouts!
SANCTUARY: Pastor Rob is hosting a new worship service known as “Sanctuary”. The service will be held on Sunday evenings. This is an informal worship setting which is for the seeking and the settled, for the boomers and the gen y’ers, for faith, hope, love, grace and service, for friendship and companionship. Sanctuary is for simple worship including word and sacrament, conversation and music. Intrigued? Join us Sunday at 5:00 pm. See the posters or Pastor Rob for more details. All are welcome!
NHL OLD TIMERS HOCKEY GAME: Looking for a fun family event? Want to see some of hockey’s greatest retired players? Then join us this
Sunday, February 21, 2010 @ 2:00 pm!